"Whatever has happened once, will not happen again..but what has happened twice is bound to happen for the third time..." - Paulo Coelho from "The Alchemist"

Moving on

Moving on.

Maybe the greatest and most amazing words created in any language. The remedy to all the world's problem, all the heartache, every bottled up emotion that has been taunting you, choking you down and pushing you deeper into the whirlpool of self doubt.

Last three years have been a fucking roller coaster. I've come to terms with the fact that the Heartthrob in me will always remain. Discovered the path to attain nirvana or getting drunk/high, same difference. Figured out that beneath the mask of a great witted clown resides a charming seducer and deeper still a poison boils under. And finally stopped giving a shit about everyone else.
I've forgiven and forgetten about my two ex-gf's cum best friends. Reduced the number of best friends from a mind blowing 7 to a healthy 3. Cut down on cigi's and vodka (Yes...all the girls who have been breathing down my neck for the past year, find other jobs), and started a MBA where they expect us to give a 100% attendance.
Love has become a forgotten emotion, pity and sympathy have been reserved for the deserving, Friendship still rules while anger has started to raise its ugly head more than I would've wished for. Irrationality and eccentricity are the new mantras to live by and patience and understanding are again thrown out of the window.
I'm on a dating and getting laid spree. Flirting with anything that moves prettily. Pool and Snooker are the new passions.Driving Still relaxes me,inspite of the traffic snarls of my dear old city and have evolved from fiction to more intellectual stuff (Porn stories are still my number 2 most read and always will be).

However, moving on doesn't mean that I'm getting off this ride. I have so much fun on it. It just means am not gonna puke anymore after staying too long on it and won't EVER get on it with a full stomach.

Sorry everyone down below.


Pallav said...

Hope better addictions follow you!

Good to give the body some time to recover before hurling it into abuse again.

You were in chd and doing charas? nice dude. Kaimbwala or someplace else?


Pallav said...

Anger Is A Gift.

Use it!


Antriksh Satyarthi said...


without the risk of sounding too philosophical...
anger is just like a drug...gives u respite 4 a short tym only....am searching 4 smthing tat'll give me solace 4 d long term...without me ending up dead tat is...

i went 2 kaimbwala once but just drank 8 bottles of beer only...was staying in PGI so dere charas sessions were held....[:D]

Aj Mercy said...

dude you forgot to mention something after the MBA like...

you should say that you would but an ak-47 and run naked on the streets killing every chick on the road...

Have a hapee transformation...


Anonymous said...
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Aastha said...

Okay first thing first,loved it(guess becoming too obvious) and yeah "I'm on a dating and getting laid spree. Flirting with anything that moves prettily" and "Porn stories are still my number 2 most read and always will be" are my favourite goes in this 1...

Btw just outta curiosity what the anonymous guy/gal had written which has been deleted??? :P

Yours Truly.

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Like a true gemini i've got a multifaceted personality. can't write about each of them so one will have to discover through the layers