"Whatever has happened once, will not happen again..but what has happened twice is bound to happen for the third time..." - Paulo Coelho from "The Alchemist"

The Proposal

Ritika stepped on the escalator and I followed her, two steps behind.
“Lunch was great wasn’t it? I loved that…”

I had known her for the past four months but felt as if she had been a part of my life since forever. We had hitted it off during our lunch hours, become quite close between all those coffee breaks and shared laughter amid our cigarette smoking.

I had decided to ask her to marry me two weeks back. Since we were both orphans I was spared the task of ‘Meeting the Parents’ and just had to walk into a jewellery store and spend more than half of my savings to buy that perfect diamond ring for her. I also didn’t have to ask my parents whether they can think of Ritika as their daughter-in-law, infact they would’ve had disapproved of every girl I would’ve had wished to marry.

“Wait till you meet them.You are gonna love them…”

I kept listening to her sweet voice, without heeding to the words and kept playing with the ring in my pocket. Should I ask her to marry me? Should I beg? Or will threatening her do the trick?

We reached the top and I saw two young men smiling back. My heart shrank as I saw the joy on Ritika's face as she saw them.

“This is Abhinav my boyfriend and this is his brother Avinash…guys this is Soumya, my colleague and my bestest friend”

I tried to keep despair off my face as my whole world came crashing down on me. My shattered dreams pained my eyes and brought tears to them, yet I controlled them somehow. The ring fell from my pocket as I took out my hand from my pocket to take Avinash's outstretched hand. As I knelt down to pick it up, Abhinav went down on his knees besides me and said “Will you marry me Ritika?”
This was to be my entry for the Ascension contest at 'The Clarity of Night' but alas the word count became its enemy and by the time I could resend it the contest had closed. Yet I wanted to know what people thought about it so here it is at your mercy. Till next time. Adios.


Pallav said...

this seems like something straight out of a bolly movie :P

too bad for the guy though.

Man, next time you need some editing done on some story just let me know. It would have been good had you taken part in the contest...but anyway, there is always a next time ;)

Cheers :)


Antriksh Satyarthi said...


do ya really think mate tat i would've copied something from a bolly movie???
geez man my only reader thinks quite low of me...

the person who's narrating the incident is a GIRL....soumya....

Pallav said...


My bad, i was not able to get the story in first go, it was kind of confusing actually.

Lesbian love! I get it now :D fucking silly of me not to get it earlier, i take back my words, no bolly movie this is, no sir, this is cool shit! And uber cool :D thanks for telling. Praise the LOL! :D


me iz the drunks, cheerrrsZZZ!!!

Aj Mercy said...

awsome i have never read a lesbo stoy before/...

i thought it was a bolly movie scene too bro
but(but to the rescue)
the comments made it all clear..



Anonymous said...

"Since we were both orphans I was spared the task of ‘Meeting the Parents’ and just had to walk into a jewellery store..."

"...I also didn’t have to ask my parents whether they can think of Ritika as their daughter-in-law, "

im confused here...'we were both orphans'...who both?

Antriksh Satyarthi said...


this means i gotta learn how to make myself clear...

tats strange dude..u download so much of hantai yet haven't came across a lesbo story???

'both' here are ritika(the girl whom the narrator wanted to propose) and soumya(the narrator)

The Maverick said...

I was confused till i read all the comments here:)
But since you asked for mercy I must say that you're quite a story-teller!
@N i agree. The guy needs some editing help :)

The Maverick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Antriksh Satyarthi said...


so u liked this story ehh???
if only i hadn't tried to cut it short i guess it would've been more clearer....

btw check out the rest of the stories under the tag pulp fiction if u wanna..those are the actual beauties...

Aj Mercy said...

i ment a written lesbo story bro...

visual is not a problem. iv travelled internet far beyond lesbo...



Aastha said...

Okay dontcha mind...But I got it the time i'd read it... I mean how come others dint??? :O
Does that mean Im intelligent or I should start writing myself...??
anyways Im happy...I got ya..:D
Nice read btw...you would have been real competition if ya would have been able to send it..love and hugs..

Yours Truly.

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Like a true gemini i've got a multifaceted personality. can't write about each of them so one will have to discover through the layers