"Whatever has happened once, will not happen again..but what has happened twice is bound to happen for the third time..." - Paulo Coelho from "The Alchemist"

The Gray Side

And the end credits started to roll...

I was smiling from ear to ear on such a awesome piece of roller-coaster ride and my brother next to me was also quite pleased with this piece from the joint production of Disney and Jerry Bruckhemer and the mind of Gore Verbnski...

If you still haven't gotten what piece i'm talking about,well then i guess you are one of the rare people left on this planet untouched by the movie franchaise "Pirates of the Caribbean".

But this is not a film review of that...(though i'm tempted and who knows maybe write about it too!!).
It is about one thing in it which triggered my thought process...

Pirates here were potrayed as 'The Good Guys'(inspite of their sticking to their backstabbing) while The Protector of the Seas(who else the The East India Company) were left planning their downfall.
Both the soldiers and the pirates parished in this fight but in the end it was the Company's ship that was wrecked and its soldiers who had to abandon ship.

So does that mean that we have actually started treating "BAD" as the new 'in' thing??(after all films just show what we wanna see..)

and its not only about something shown in the 'Pirates'

Spiderman-3 also showed the dark side having an upper hand.(tats another story tat Mr. Parker came to his senses in the end but hey thats a superhero flick...good is supposed to triumph in the end)

or come closer to home...'Shootout at Lokhandwala' potrayed the gangsters as such a RockStars...and if i remember correctly most of our indi pics made up on them do...(should i even start saying the names??)

some will argue that i'm basing everything upon just some imaginary pieces.
Well then i'll say these pics maybe based upon someones imagination but the fact remains that,as far as my practicality says, he made these because he thought the audience is gonna like it,he poured money in because his business sense said that the people outside are gonna pour their money to see it.
It is our mindstate.

Ohkay lets for sometime forget the testbooks and then the most quotes you'll hear (with the word 'good' in it) are...
"good guy never wins"
or "being good never pays"
or somethings like that...call it as a result of our social-political scenario but the truth is this sort of feeling has come into our minds.
Everyone sternly believes that being good never pays off and is the hardest of the paths to follow.

strangely i'm a strong supporter of this type of thinking...

however there is another saying which i abide by more.
"Good is only a way of seeing things"
What might be good for you doesn't necessarily means might be good for others.
So goodness and badness automatically becomes just perspectives,which change for different people.

The good people out their might(and i've a feeling they will) protest but let me make this very clear that i'm not talking in the context of anything evil but just plain old 'Bad'...
both of which are different for me...

While killing,looting,rapes and even bribery are evil deeds for me...
being a little somewhat selfish,egoistic and maybe yeah opportunistic too broadly defines 'Bad' for me...

Even being manipulative, i consider as bad, but only when i feel i'm using my friends to fulfill my job.
while at the same time one of my friend tried to reassure me(he is one of the one,who i feel i use most so i told him very apologetically) by saying "...this is not called using,this is called seeking help from who is the sweetest pal of yours" but still i'm not satisfied with that answer.

Oh but yeah i do agree these pangs of guilt only surfaces when i'm asking my friends to do something...
If there is someone whom i hardly know or whom i do not consider a friend i'm quite sure i'll be at my manipulative best without a feeling of remorse...

and its not only me... most of my friends agree that they can't claim themselves to be good because they also do have vices...vices which can't be ignored and truly takes them out of the contention to be called Good...

So do you consider that as bad???
Well i don't...
I don't because of the simple fact that i expect myself to be human and i do believe that humans are not good or bad,not white or black but we trod on somewhat of a grey area...
We will try to achieve our goals ruthlessly but will show compassion and caring too...
maybe trod on others feet but surely extend a hand in the times of troubles and maybe that is what being human is all about...
not being bad or good,sinister or benign,evil or righteous but just walking on the edge.

Maybe thats why earth is considered to be between hell and heaven...
And humans between Angels and Demon...

Oh and as i started this with a little something from films,
I must make one last point, all of these films might've shown the Bad side having an upper hand but it was the 'Good' which won in the end.

except in pirates but hey theres was a different kind of good in it...

and Company's plotters were upto doing everything bad.

so even our filmakers know that inspite of our colours being grey,its the whiteness which is dominant over the black colour...

Yours Truly.

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Like a true gemini i've got a multifaceted personality. can't write about each of them so one will have to discover through the layers